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Neon Semaphore Lidl - Pretende Warsaw

Design and construction of a traditional neon sign for the LIDL retail chain

We recently had the opportunity to participate in a fascinating project, which will certainly remain in our memories for a long time. It concerns the design and execution of a double-sided neon sign in the shape of the 'Lidl' logo and the word 'Welcome' on the façade of a shop for a well-known German shop chain, which opened its next branch in Warsaw on Tamki Street. Why was this project special for us? Well, designing and creating neon signs is not only our job, but also our passion. We have been doing this for years, and it started with learning about the history of creating traditional glass neon signs and falling in love with this unusual craft. This time we were able to design and make a traditional neon, double-sided perpendicular semaphore one of a kind!

1960s-style neon sign for Lidl

Working on this project brought us great satisfaction, especially as the result is truly unique. Our neon sign not only reflects the Lidl logo, but also alludes to the aesthetic

Projektowanie w pełni zgodnych, świetnie wyglądających znaków, tabliczek z alfabetem Braille'a

Designing fully compliant, great-looking signs, braille plaques

When it comes to signage, it's important to strike a balance between compliance and aesthetics. At Pretende, we specialise in designing signs, placards that are not only fully compliant but also visually appealing.

Background design gallery

If you would like to personalise your Braille signs, we offer a background design gallery that allows you to choose from many options. This gallery includes various designs, colours, and textures that can enhance the visual appeal of the signs. By deciding a background design that matches the overall theme of your facility, together with us, you can create a cohesive and professional look for your building signage.

Custom sizing and personalisation 

In addition to the design options mentioned above, we also offer the option to customise the size of braille signs. This ensures that the sign fits perfectly in the designated area and is clearly visible to people who use Braille to navigate.
In addition, we offer the option of add

W jaki sposób reklama świetlna wspiera Twoją firmę?

How does light advertising support your business?

Illuminated advertising is a proven way to distinguish a brand from the crowd. Thanks to it, the company can really influence the visibility in the industry, and what and consequently, an increase in the sale of products or services. Therefore, if you are looking for a creative and effective way to support your business activities - be sure to read the article below.

Under the slogan of light advertising there are several products, and each of them differs both in appearance and technology. The choice, however, is not hard when an advisor comes to your aid. The one that knows how their products can help your business.

Why is light advertising a good choice?

It's an advertisement that actually works. Sometimes even independently of ours awareness. Why? Mainly because we are good observers. Our attention is drawn to the things that stand out from the surroundings elements. And there is no denying - light advertising - is excatly such"attractor".

Oznakowanie budynków mieszkalnych - jak wykonać je ze sztuką?


Signage of residential buildings helps you find a property quickly and efficiently but it can also be a visual and eye-catching addition. In this article you will read how to correctly mark a residential building (and not only) and how to choose the right graphic elements. Guidelines for the marking of residential buildings can be found in the geodetic and cartographic law.

Correct marking of a residential building is a convenience not only for family or friends, but also, above all, for emergency services, when in life or health threatening situations seconds count. Clear and visible marking of the building will make it easier for an ambulance or fire brigade to find it. A well-marked property is also a landmark for third parties who get lost or need help. It is worth remembering and immediately after receiving the decision on assigning the numbering - place it on the building, according to the relevant rules.

Amerykański styl w reklamie - czym się wyróżnia i jak go wykorzystać w promocji firmy?

American style in advertising - what makes it stand out and how to use it to promote the company?

Flashy, colourful neon lights, symbols and eye-catching bright graphic elements - these are the distinguishing features of the American style, which reigned in the United States in the 1950s. It was an expression of fascination with the future and the cosmos, as well as a reflection of the positive mood prevailing in the society at the time. And although this enthusiastic era has long passed, the American style still fascinates and finds itself well in the advertising market.

Undoubtedly, if we want to stand out from the competition, it is a style that is worth being inspired and used to promote the brand. Especially if you belong to people who focus on individualism, and courage and creativity are their middle name.


American-style light advertising - where does the idea come from?

The style in question is a combination of flashiness, colours and shapes that attract attention from the distance. That was the purpose of mid-twentieth-century American signs

neon-press-airport-warsaw-neon-on-dibon-base-neon-on-glass-wall-neon-manufacturer-neon-blue-neon-signs-neon -inside

How does Neon work?


Neons play a significant role nowadays. They are visible in the streets of big cities, small towns and villages. These neon lights can take the form of artistically curved shapes and letters. They add a colourful, glowing effect to each item that is made of them. A glowing logo, banner, sign on a restaurant, cinema or clothing store attract the attention of passers-by and encourage them to use the services or make pur-chases. Neon lights are an eye-catching idea that has been perfect for the advertis-ing industry from the very beginning.

The beginnings of the neon career

The very word "neon" is derived from the word "neos" and means "new gas". Neon occurs naturally in the atmosphere, but in negligible amounts. Neon gas was dis-covered in 1898 by William Ramsay and Morris Travers. However, it was George Claude who was the first to create the neon. He combined electric gases and then passed an electric current through them. The result of this exper

Litery wielkoformatowe – nowoczesna reklama dla Twojej firmy

Large format letters - modern advertising for your company


Large-format letters are one of the modern solutions that achieve spectacular results in the advertising industry. More and more companies are opting for this form of advertising with good reason. Large-size free-standing letters are a great way to get the attention of the public both inside and outside the building. They perform an advertising function for the company. By arranging a shop or office space, they attract the attention of recipients and thus encourage them to buy products or services. Large illuminated letters are also a great way to decorate a space for a meeting or a thematic event.

Innovative illuminated letters - an attractive alternative to traditional advertising

Contemporary illuminated advertisements can have various shapes, texts and colours according to the design and preferences of our client. This type of advertising is a marketing force

Neon Led czy neon szklany?

Neon Led or glass neon?


Neon signs are one of the most popular advertising elements in marketing.

They create colourful images, letters, logos or information for cinemas, restaurants, clubs and companies. The art of implementing projects with the use of neon lights allows you to achieve unique and delightful effects. During the day they look very inconspicuous, only at dusk do they present themselves in all their glory. Neon lights sold by our company are perfect both inside and outside the building. This form of advertising is durable and resistant to harsh weather conditions. It is an ideal marketing investment for many years, which is why so many companies are choosing it. The undoubted advantage is also the large reach regarding the visibility of neon advertising. Such an advertisement does not require additional highlights, as is the case with banners or signs. In addition, the effective appearance of such an advertisement means that customers not only learn abo [...]
Reklama z metalu doskonałym rozwiązaniem dla Twojej firmy

Metal advertising is a great solution for your business

It has been known for a long time that advertising is the key to business success. Both the message itself and its realisation are important in it. Metal advertising is considered to be one of the most effective ways of presenting your business and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Visible, legible and aesthetic, it allows you to reach a wide audience.
Outdoor advertising is noticeable among people who walk along city streets or commute to work by tram or car every day. They see large, illuminated inscriptions that remain in their memory.
The same applies to placing metal advertisements inside buildings. Distinctive logos or advertising slogans, located in shopping malls, attract the attention of customers and encourage them to take advantage of the company's offer

Wide possibilities of advertising made of metal

Good corporate advertising is a key marketing aspect. A company that cares about its continuous development also pays attention t

hi-hotel-neon-on-the-wall-neon-behind-the-glass-neon-sub-lit-neon-at-the-entry-neon-at-height-neon-lines-neon-white-color-logo-firm-neon-on-concrete-gdansk-lotnisko (4)

Spatial letters in our cities


In the last few months, technology has moved forward, taking us into a completely different dimension. However, one thing has remained the same. Of course, we are talking about the use of spatial letters by manufacturers of advertising signs. Additional development of the technology of illuminating letters with LED modules means that this choice will be the best decision for many years to come. You ask why? These decisions are influenced by a number of factors, among others, the materials from which they are made, their functionality, versatility and originality.

Spatial letters smile clinic

Let's start with the first
