Neon symbolsNEON STAR
Home page / Neon symbols / NEON STAR

260.00 €
A star emitting warm light - in the orbit of your living room
We present a product that will brighten up even the darkest night with its warmth. The glow emitted by our product is extremely attractive - it provides constant access to stellar energy in the place where it will be installed. The star housing made of varnished sheet metal (painted in a professional paint shop - paint applied in a two-layer system) in a beautiful yellow colour perfectly matches the stellar glow emerging from a hand-bent neon tube. Our shining star gives the interior magic and a unique atmosphere. The original, dynamic shape creates an atmosphere conducive to the realization of dreams in the room. After all, a star is a symbol of dreams ...
We used yellow glass to create this symbol - coloured in the mass. This means that the neon tube remains yellow even when it is turned off.
The product can hang on the wall or stand on its own, e.g. on a piece of furniture.
Free shipping within Poland.
Category: Neon symbols
The colour of the neon light - Yellow / gold
Width - 35cm
Height - 33cm
Neon diameter - 12mm
Paint colour - Yellow / Gold metallic